Sunday, December 26, 2010


What are Cocaine and Crack?
Cocaine is a central nervous system
stimulant, the most powerful found in
nature. Most often seen in the form of a
white, crystalline powder, it is extracted
from the leaves of the coca plant.

What is Crack?
Crack is a smokeable, rapidly reacting form
of cocaine base, which is processed from
cocaine hydrochloride. It usually appears
as off-white chips, rocks, or chunks.

How Are These Drugs Taken?
The primary route of administration for cocaine powder is through inhalation, commonly
referred to as "snorting." This is often done in a ritualistic way; e.g., poured onto a mirror,
chopped, separated into "lines," and then "snorted" off a small "coke" spoon, or through
a straw or rolled-up currency. Some users dissolve the powder in water and inject it into
veins, though this is less common than "snorting."
Crack is smoked. This is easier than "snorting" and carries much less social stigma than
injection. Chips or chunks are usually placed in a pipe, often made of glass, or a similar
vessel and heated with a match or cigarette lighter. The user inhales the fumes.

How Do They Affect You?
Cocaine in all its forms stimulates the central nervous system. It causes the heart to beat
more rapidly and blood vessels to constrict. This results in the demand for a greater
supply of blood. But the narrowed blood vessels are unable to deliver the volume of
blood demanded, which significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular incidents or
strokes. Initially, use of these drugs reduces appetite and makes the user feel more
alert, energetic, and self-confident—even more powerful.
With high doses, users can become delusional, paranoid, and even suffer acute toxic
psychosis. Blood pressure increases, which can cause strokes or heart attacks. In some
cases these effects have proven fatal. As the drug’s effects wear off, a depression (often
called a "crash") can set in, leaving the user feeling fatigued, jumpy, fearful, and anxious.
Crack causes the same effects as powder cocaine. Because it is smoked, however,
onset is more rapid and intensity greater. Thus, the effects may be significantly
exacerbated. The depression following use is described as considerably deeper and
more profound. The likelihood of cocaine psychosis after binging on crack may be
greater and notably more intense. Crack use is associated with incidents of hyperactive
violence by users and is capable of doing significant harm to fetuses of pregnant users.

Paying the Price of Cocaine and Crack Use
A broad range of consequences include:
 Dependence and addiction
 Cardiovascular problems, including irregular heartbeat, heart
attack, and heart failure
 Neurological incidents, including strokes, seizures, fungal brain
infections, and hemorrhaging in tissue surrounding the brain
 Pulmonary effects, such as fluid in the lungs, aggravation of
asthma and other lung disorders, and respiratory failure
 Psychiatric complications, including psychosis, paranoia,
depression, anxiety disorders, and delusions
 Increased risk of traumatic injury from accidents and aggressive,
violent, or criminal behavior
 Other effects include: sleeplessness, sexual dysfunction,
diminished sense of smell, perforated nasal septum, nausea, and
 Crack users often singe eyebrows or eyelashes with the flame of
matches or lighters. They also burn fingertips and other body parts
from contact with superheated vessels (e.g., glass pipes).
 Fetal cocaine effects include premature separation of the
placenta, spontaneous abortion, premature labor, low birthweight
and head circumference at birth, greater chance of visual
impairment, mental retardation, genitourinary malformations, and
greater chance of developmental problems.
 For intravenous (IV) cocaine users, there is increased risk of
hepatitis, HIV infection, and endocarditis.
 For addicts, whether they smoke, inject, or snort, promiscuous sexual
activity can increase the risk of HIV infection

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